They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but when it comes to counterfeit or imitation Anuschka creations, we are not flattered and you should steer clear! We want to help protect you from buying counterfeit products and knockoffs. The presence of knockoffs in the market is an unfortunate reality for almost any high-end and innovative brand. We are taking action on multiple fronts to counter companies that are selling cheap imitations of our products. Always pay attention to the details to ensure you are buying an original.
- Purchase your bag at an authorized reseller. Call or email us to confirm if a store or website is a genuine partner. Or you can buy right here!
- Feel the leather. If it is soft, supple and feels luxurious, it’s probably authentic.
- There will be a leather tag stitched to the lining of the bag with our logo.
- The lining will have our logo woven into it.
- The quality of art is a great way to tell if the product is genuine. The colors should be rich and vibrant, reflecting the passion behind the art.
- Each original Anuschka is hand signed by a member of the family.
- All our bags come with branded YKK sliders and a dust bag.